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  • Writer's pictureburkeswaterfront

5 Benefits of Eating with a View

There are a ton of benefits of eating with something to look at. In our case, we have one of the best views in Cadillac, looking directly out at the lake with nature. Most people eat in unappealing places, and are often times consumed by whats on their screen (phone). That can negatively effect your mood. Here's some of the reasons we believe you’ll benefit from eating with a view.

  1. You will put down technology. A lot of us are constantly on our phone, computer, ect… and we never get to appreciate the world around us. When you have something to look at, such as a beautiful view, you will stop checking your emails, or social media. Nature is healing, so next time you eat, pick a spot where you are surrounded by it. Plus it’s not good to always be used by technology, which developes a compulsive need to 'check' for notifications and such. Use technology, don't let it use you.

  2. Combining nature + no technology = a stress reducer. Life can get stressful at times. We don’t have to tell you that. Its nice to just kick back and enjoy life’s simplest things. Nature, food, and the present moment-when you are simply there, not distracted by anything but what's in front of you. It’s healthy to reduce stress/anxiety as it's a silent killer, and one way you can do that is by eating with a view.

  3. It can help you appreciate the simple things. As we stated, constantly using technology will get in the way of life. By simply seeing nature for what it is, it will make you appreciate other basic things in life, such as food, water, love, friends, family, and even your current situation (it could be worse for you Debbie Downers out there).

  4. It can be a catalyst. Remember how we said a lot of people eat staring at their phone? Well, eating with a view (seeing nature) will help remind you to get out and do things; walk, bike, fish, sports, ect...

  5. Eating won't feel like a chore. Some of us get so caught up in doing things sometimes, that eating can feel like another thing that needs to be checked off the to-do list. When you notice that the earth is such a beautiful place, you'll appreciate it more, and you food will actually taste better.

Next time you eat, look around and notice how great life actually is. This could be done easier when you eat with a great view.

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